The email analytics page encapsulates the performance of all emails sent within the current project. From this screen one can view the overall performance of project emails along with details of individual email campaigns within the project. Additionally, the data can be presented for a user-specified date range. 


Two primary filters are available for Email Analytics:

Date range filter

The user can specify a date range for the data presented. The date range limits the data presented to only those emails SENT within that range. By default, the date range applied is the date the first email was sent to the current date. This filter and specified date range) will apply to all data presented on this page except the history graph. 

Email campaign filter

The user can specify which email campaigns to present data from. This filter allows the user to select one or multiple email campaigns. If multiple campaigns are selected, then the data will be aggregated for all campaigns selected.


The section graphic shows the performance of selected email campaigns.  The following metrics are presented in this graphic:

Emails Sent

This is the number of emails that were attempted to send from Limelight. This includes the successfully sent emails, emails attempted to be sent to previously unsubscribed addresses (this will result in an admin bounce) and emails that did not get sent due to issues with Limelight's email service provider.  


This is the number of emails that were successfully delivered to the recipient inbox. There may be a delay of up to 72 hours before this number is accurate, as a soft bounce will occur after 72 hours of trying to deliver the email to the recipient inbox.

Unique Opens

This metric communicates how many emails that were delivered were opened by their recipient. A recipient reopening the email does not increase this count in the summary graphic. Within the selected filter criteria, if two emails are sent to the same person, and they open both, that will count as 2 unique opens

Note: If the recipient system fetches the content (i.e. images) of the email in advance to speed up display, it may fetch our third party tracking pixel which will trigger the opening event. Hence on ocassion Unique opens count may get incremented before the email is opened by a recipient. 

Unique URL CLicks

This metric communicates how many emails resulted in a recipient clicking any link within the email. If a recipient clicks on multiple links or the same link multiple times this does not increase the count. Within the selected filter criteria, if two emails go to the same recipient who clicks on both emails, that will count as 2 unique clicks as 2 of the sent emails have had links clicked on them at least once

Detail Toggle

The statuses of individual emails sent can be viewed in a list using the detail toggle. For a given email attempt,  

  • The Sent date column contains day the email was successfully sent, if the email failed to be sent (this is not the same as failing delivery) then the column will be blank
  • The Delivered date column contains the day the email was successfully delivered to the recipient’s inbox, if it is blank, the email has bounced (failed delivery)
  • The Opened date column contains the date this recipient first opened the email
  • The Unique URL Clicks column contains the date this recipient first clicked on any link in the email


The history chart shows a accumulative and non-accumulative graphical representation of the email summary, with special considerations that are applied due to the date filter applied. The chart shows the number of email events (sent, delivered, unique opens, unique URL clicks)  that occurred, by day.

Special considerations of note include: 

  • The history chart generally shows the performance of emails that were SENT within the specified date range.
  • If an email is sent within the date range applied but opened outside the range, it will not be displayed in the history chart but will do so in the summary. This perceived discrepancy can resolved by expanding the date range.
  • The emails sent contributing to the displayed events could have been sent before the range.
  • If an email is opened on day 1 and day 4, a date range applied across both would show the first open as day 1, applied across day 4 would show the first open as day 4. This is because it is the first unique instance within the applied range

Bounce Break-down:

The Bounce Break-down chart represents metrics for the emails that we were able to identify as failing to deliver for one of the available bounce classifications.

If an email is going to soft bounce (full inbox), they will be held and attempted to be re-sent for 72 hours before falling into a soft bounce. Hence, the total rejections from server may on occasion, not make up the discrepancy from sent to delivered emails. Additionally, some recipient email servers are set to accept incoming emails in a holding state, and determine later whether the emails are going to be sent to the inbox, or rejected and bounced. Therefore, these bounces can also take a while to appear in this (and other) charts. The following section includes the various possible bounce types and some reasons that may have caused each:

Hard Bounces:

Email address has been determined as invalid. This often happens when email addresses are mis-spelled. 

Soft Bounces:

These emails temporarily bounced (undelivered) and will be sent again by Limelight's email provider. Due to the resend schedule, there may be a delay of up to 72 hours before this chart will be updated with soft bounces.  Possible reasons for soft bounces include:

Message bounced due to DNS failure

The message bounced due to the remote mailbox being over quota.

The message bounced because it exceeds the size allowed by the recipient.

The message timed out

Admin Bounces:

Possible reasons for Admin bounces include:

The recipient had previously unsubscribed either from their email client or through the Limelight Unsubscribe Link Feature

The recipient has previously marked an email from clients as spam

The recipient has been added to a suppression list through Limelight's email provider. This is done to protect the client server reputation. Please contact Limelight support to remove recipients from the suppression list if needed.

An email address has a previous hard bounce associated with it

IP Blocked:

Possible reasons for IP Blocked bounces include:

The recipient server determined that the content is spam

The message was blocked by the receiver because it contained an attachment (should they be disallowed by the recipient)

The recipient server recognized the sending IP address to have a poor reputation. ISPs view email from a new IP address as suspicious until they establish a positive sending reputation. Read more at:


Reason for Undetermined bounce include Limelight receiving a status response from our email provider that does not match any known failure types

Other Information

Total email opens shows the total number of times the selected emails have been opened and reopened. A large number of re opens means recipients are coming back to review the email multiple times

Total Clicks shows the total number of times any link in your selected emails has been clicked. A large number of repeat clicks means that recipients are coming back and frequently interacting with the email/ linked websites.


A client unsubscribe occurs when a recipient clicks an unsubscribe link provided by the email service provider. This adds the user to our email provider’s suppression list and all emails being sent to them through this Sparkpost account will be blocked. Emails sent to a user who has clicked a client unsubscribe link will result in an admin bounce.

Limelight Unsubscribe

When a recipient clicks a Limelight unsubscribe link, this action will increase the LimeLight unsubscribe count and they will not be sent any further emails from that brand. If one Limelight client has two brands and a user unsubscribes from one of them, they will still receive emails from the other brand. If an email is sent to a user that has clicked a Limelight unsubscribe link for that brand, the email will result in an admin bounce.


When a recipient reports spam, this action will increase the spam count. If an email as sent to the recipient after they have reported spam, the email will result in an admin bounce

Popular URLs:

This table lists the URL’s in the email communications sent out, how many clicks they received, and how many unique clicks they received. Details of which recipients clicked on the links are also available by clicking on the number in the Unique Click Count column.

Click Count

This is the total number of times this link was clicked across all the emails sent to the various recipients. If this link is clicked once from one email and twice from another email, it will count as 3 clicks. 

Unique Click Count

This is the number of unique recipients that clicked that link in their email. If the email deployment was sent to the same email address twice, and that recipient opened and clicked on a link in both those emails, then that would count as 2 unique opens and 2 unique clicks.

Email Access Locations

This map shows the locations where emails were opened.  These are not unique opens, but rather the total opens, so if a user re opens an email multiple times that would increase the size of the bubble.