The Integration Analytics page is a simple overview of the results and statuses of configured integrations that have been set up in the project. A project can have various Integration’s (or SSI’s) set up within it. And each SSI set up can be run at various times using scheduled or batch runs. An SSI can either be a ‘person’ integration, or a ‘registration’ integration. This is adjusted by enabling the ‘send unique’ checkbox while configuring the SSI itself.


  • SSI’s / Integration: Each set of integration and the criteria available to be set up within a project, there can be multiple SSI’s within a project
  • Person/ Engagement SSI: When editing an SSI, there is a checkbox present that determines whether it is sending persons or engagements.
  • Execution: Each run of the various SSI’s in the project, an execution can be either from a scheduled integration or batch integration. At execution, we try to send any unsent records within that SSI that match the filter criteria.
  • Scheduled Integration: Every SSI can be setup to leverage a scheduled or batch integration. A range is set up and depending on the integration frequency set up, that SSI is executed per frequency instance.
  • Batch Integration: Every SSI can be set up to leverage a scheduled or batch integration. A batch integration run causes one singular execution of that SSI


  • This banner counts the total ‘registrations’ and ‘people’ sent across all the SSI’s within the project as defined by the send unique checkbox.
  • A project can have various SSI’s set up, two different SSI's could could pick up the same people or registrations, hence the overview banner lists also lists the unique registrations/people sent across your project.
    • If all the values are the same as above, it means that both your SSI's are person integrations and the two integrations picked up different people.
  • It is highly advised to only run an SSI as either a person or registrant integration, and never change the unique setting.

Specific SSI results

Registrations in DB

This is the current number of records in the database

Attempted Transmissions

This is the number of records that were attempted to be sent as a result of the configurations of this specific SSI

Successfully Sent

The number of records from the attempted count that were successfully integrated


The number of records from the attempted count that failed integration


The number of records from the attempted count that resulted in an unknown result due to an uncategorised response code


The number of records from the attempted count that were not sent as they are missing ‘first name’ ‘last name’ or ‘email’ fields. If the record is updated to include this field, they will be sent on the next run of that integration.


The number of records within the database that have not yet been marked as sent, and so are valid candidates to be integrated

SSI Results Table

This table lists the results of all the various integration attempts. When an integration is attempted, a record can either succeed, fail, be uncategorized, or register as incomplete. By clicking on the appropriate tab in the table, we are able to see the list of records that resulted in that outcome. 

  • The created date is the date the record was created in the system
  • The attempted date was the most recent attempt to send that record
  • The type column describes whether the transmission attempt was through a scheduled run or a manual batch sync attempt

Run History

  • This table lists the various executions that have been run in this specific SSI
  • The Run type can either be scheduled or Manual
  • As above, the runs describe metrics such as the number on the DB, how many successfully were integrated etc. And these numbers should slowly increment to reflect the present day values in thebanner as each run progresses