Recommended reading: Web Analytics - Summary

A user can view page specific web analytics by using the page filter found on the Web Analytics page.  

Note: If a page has multiple languages, they will be tracked together for page specific data. If there is a page that is published in 2 languages, and a user goes to both within the same visit, it will count as 1 visit, 1 visitor, and 2 page views.

Date range filter:

This filter allows a user to modify the data range for the data presented on this page and applies to all logged web events. When first loading Web analytics, the default date range is from the date the page was first published to today.

Overview and History charts

The overview and history charts present the following information in absolute and time series formats respectively:

Total Views:

This value is the total number of views on the page. If a visitor goes on the page twice within 30 minutes, will count as two views but one page visit. Additionally, closing a page then reopening it within 30 minutes will count as two views for the one page visit

Direct Visits:

This value is the number of visits that went directly to the site. It is not counted as a direct visit if a visitor comes from another page on that site

Entry Bounces:

This value indicates the total number of direct visits on the page that left with no interactions. This means the visitor did not submit form or go to another page within the site. For example, if a visitor begins filling out a form, starts to write in any field but leaves the site, that will count as a bounce.

Page Exits:

This value indicates the total number of views that did not go to another page on the website from this page. 

View Duration (Average): 

This value indicates the average time spent on the page per page view (not visit). This does not include visitors who bounce. 

Form Views Chart and History Chart

The Form Views Chart and History Chart present an overview of forms in the page and details the following information in absolute and time series formats respectively:

Total and Total Views:

This value indicates the total number of visits to the form (Total) and the total number of form views (Total Views). One form visit may result in multiple form views if the visitor leaves the form and goes back to it within 30 minutes. 


This value indicates the number of visitors that started the form. 


This value indicates the number of unique visits that submitted the form.

Total Submissions:

This value indicates the number of times the form has been submitted. One submitter may submit the form multiple times. 

Form Field Detail

The Form Field Detail table summarizes various metrics sets for each form field, including sets for Drop Off, Timings, Usage (Most Used), Corrections (Corrected) and Left Blank (Unneeded). The a metric set can be chosen for viewing using the Metric set selector.