When using the app in offline mode, ALWAYS sync your app before logging out.
This ensures that all data that is cached is sent to the database and no leads are lost.

If you have been locked out of the app, please refer to this article.

When ONLINE (either with data or WiFi)

The app automatically syncs:
- within 2-3 seconds when new data is entered (ex. someone fills in a new form)
- upon log out (you will get a pop-up message, "Logging Out.  Please wait while we sync your data"


If you try to sync, you will get a pop-up message, "The internet connection appears to be offline.

If you log out while offline:
- if there is no data, you will be logged out.
- if there is data to be synced, you will get a pop-up message, "Logging out will delete unsynced data" which gives you an option to either proceed or cancel log out.

When Offline, use the following steps to push all data to the database.

1. Ensure you have a strong internet connection.
2. To push data to the Limelight database:
    a. For check-in apps:
       - Click the Sync button at the top of the guest list screen. The sync icon indicates the last time the guest list was synced with the database.
    b. For data collection apps:
      - Exit your app by returning to the home screen and sliding your finger across the iPad screen from left to right. This will activate the  Exit Mode feature to enter your app password. This is the same password used to log into the app.
      - You will be automatically redirected to the App Selection List. In the toolbar, click the Sync button in the bottom center of the event homescreen. 
3. You may now log out of the app by clicking the Log Out button in the top left corner of the toolbar.

Note: the app syncs automatically once reconnected to wi-fi but to ensure that all data has been pushed to the Limelight database, it is essential to follow the steps above. 

ALWAYS sync your app before logging out or your data may be lost.