
A Square account is required to accept payments on the Limelight Platform. Once setup, you will be able to accept payments in either USD or CAD funds for your Limelight projects.  The accepted currency is based on your Square account.

Step 1 - Setup your Square Account

If you do not already have a Square account, go to the Square website to signup.


Step 2 - Setup Your First Session with Payment

Once you’ve verified your Square account setup, you can start to setup your first Session with Payment on the Limelight Platform. In the same process you’ve been using to setup a Session, add the amount you will be charging your customer. Once you click ‘Save’ you’re ready for the next step.

Step 3 - Add Square Account To Your Login

Once you click save on a Session that has a price, you’ll be requested to enter your Square credentials. This process allows us to connect with your Square account so that you can begin to accept payments.

We’ll ask you to confirm that you want to be authorized. You’ll then be redirected to Square to enter your credentials. Once that is complete, you’re ready to accept payments.

Step 4 - Setup Your Website

You must add the Session with a cost to your page. When you first add this Session, we will automatically add 7 fields. These fields are:

  • •sq-payment-header
  • •sq-payment-amount
  • •sq-card-number
  • •sq-cvv
  • •sq-expiration-date
  • •sq-postal-code
  • •paymentNonce

They are all required to be on the form, but the field label content can be altered to match the rest of your copy.

Once your page is ready to be live, you can publish your site as http://your-site-here.com.

Once your site is published, please contact support@limelightplatform.com to make your site secure (https://your-site-here.com). An SSL certificate is required from your IT team to complete this step.  That’s it!