Web Conditionals allow you to display/hide and define mandatory fields based on actions taken by a user on a website. They are similar to App Conditionals that are available on Limelight.

The parts are as follows:

  1. Trigger Field
  2. Function/Operator
  3. Value

Expression Types:

  1. Hidden
  2. Mandatory

Conditional Functions

1. Trigger Field Type 2. Function/Operator 3. Value
Text/Text Area Is Blank

(enter value
Single Checkbox Contains
Equals/Does Not Equal
(enter value)
Multi Checkbox Is Blank
Does Not Equal

(select option)
(select option)
Dropdown Is Blank
Does Not Equal

(select option)
(select option)
Radio Button Is Blank
Does Not Equal

(select option)
(select option)
Date Is After
Is Before
(select option)
(select option)
Guests Greater Than N
Guests Greater Than Number

Target Field Properties

Target Field Type Property Property value type
All Hidden True/False
All Mandatory (will override default mandatory setting) True/False

How to Implement Conditionals

For this example, we will display or hide the home and mobile phone fields based on the phone type the user has selected. 

To add a conditional, navigate to the form field listed in the left side editor panel. Select the form field you want to set your condition on. In this case, select Home.

The form field settings will open within the editor panel. Scroll to the bottom of the field settings and click + Add Conditional.

For the Home phone field, we need 3 conditionals set up:

1. Home phone must be hidden if nothing is selected in Phone Type

  • Select the following options from the dropdown menus:
    If phoneType > Is Blank
    Then Hidden
  • Make sure the checkbox next to Hidden is checked off.

2.  Home
phone must be a mandatory field once displayed

  • Select the following options from the dropdown menus:
    If  phoneType > Equals > Home 
    Then  Mandatory
  • Make sure the checkbox next to the Mandatory is checked off.

3. Cell phone must be hidden if Home phone is selected

  • Select the following options from the dropdown menus: 
    If  phoneType > Equals > Cell 
    Then  Hidden
  • Make sure the checkbox next to the Hidden is checked off.

Repeat the process by adding the same conditions to the Cell Phone form field and updating the Value field accordingly.

After completing the conditionals, Save and Publish your website. 

Testing Web Conditionals

1. Go to the website URL and test your conditionals. For this case, when you load the page, both the Home Phone and Cell Phone form fields are visible and the Phone Type is mandatory.

2. The conditional will trigger once a user selects an option from the Phone Type field. When Cell is selected, the Cell Phone field will become mandatory and the Home Phone field will disappear. The opposite applies when Home Phone is selected.