The web analytics  summarizes the performance of the published Limelight micro-sites with regards to visits and exposure. Web analytics is enabled by saving every page in web designer within the Limelight portal before publishing. This action embeds tracking code in the web page. 

Note: It is possible for website visitors to enable a Do not Track feature in their browsers that prevents tracking. If Do Not Track is turned on for Chrome or Firefox Browsers, Web analytics will not be able to acquire and count visit data for these visitors. Therefore, data such as visit, view, form start, form submissions data etc. will not be counted. Additionally, Plug in settings contribute to the visitor definition. If a visitor changes their plugins, they will be tracked as a new visitor


Two primary filters are available for Web Analytics:

Date range filter:

This filter allows a user to modify the data range for the data presented on this page and applies to all logged web events. When first loading Web analytics, the default date range is from the date the page was first published to today.

Page filter:

By default, all data is presented is aggregated over all websites published for this project. The Page filter allows a user to drill down into the specific data for individual web pages within this project. Detailed information on Page Specific Analytics can be found  here

Overview and History charts

The overview and history charts present the following information in absolute and time series formats respectively:


A visit is a person arriving and viewing the website. This metric communicates the volume of traffic and the exposure your page has. 

Unique Visitors:

The unique visitor count is the number of individuals that visited the page. A unique visit is identified based on the unique combination of IP address, browser (including settings such as the plugins installed), operating system, and device used.  Since IP address is network based, if two users are on the same network, using the same type of device, browser, and OS, they will be counted as the same visitor. Additionally, if a visitor returns to the website after 30 minutes, that will result in 2 visits, 1 unique visitor. 

If the same visitor arrives to the page again within 30 minutes, their visit duration, form views etc. are all summarized within the same ‘visit’. Additionally, if the visitor accesses the page and submits a form on one arrival within a visit, and then bounces on the next arrival within the same visit, the bounce will be ignored and submit shall be counted. Finally, if a visitor submits a form twice within a visit, both by accessing the website from direct entry and from e.g a referral, they will both be categorised as 2 submits from the first source.


This value is the number of people that viewed one page in your website and left without navigating further. A large number of bounces means the visits your website is getting are generally uninterested.

If the visitor arrives to the website and leaves within 30 minutes without interacting with the website this will count as a bounce. Additionally, if a visitor arrives to the website and starts filling out a form on the first page, but they don’t navigate anywhere before leaving the website, this will count as a bounce.

Total Page Views & Unique Page Views:

Total page views is the number of views on any page on the website. A page is considered viewed any time a link on the page is loaded. Unique Page Views is the number of times a page on the site was uniquely loaded within a visit. For example, if a visitor goes to page 1, page 2, then back to page 1, this will count as 1 visit, 3 page views, and 2 unique page views. Additionally, if the homepage of a site has two urls - /index and /{siteName}, going to each page extension once, even though they are the same page, will count as 2 page views

Unique toggle:

For Form Views, Form Starts and Form Submits, it is possible to toggle between aggregate and unique data using the Unique toggle

Form Views & Form Viewers:

A visit or a refresh on any page with a form (not a form if form is hidden) will count as a form view. A form viewer is a visitor who has visited any page with a form. Once a form is submitted, any further view from the same visitor on the farm will be considered a new form viewer. 

Form Starts & Form Starters:

The first interaction with any form field on the page is considered a form start. A form starter is a visitor who has started filling out the form. Once a form is submitted, any further interaction by the same visitor on the form will count as a new form starter. 

Form Submits & Form Submitters:

Form Submits and Form Submitters are both the same value representing the number of times a visitor has submitted a form. 

Traffic Sources

The traffic sources chart breaks up visit traffic by source type including direct entry, other websites, search engines and social media channels. Additionally, the table displays breakdowns for each source:

Direct Entry involves visits from directly inputting the site URL into a browser, links sent and accessed on applications such as slack, and links sent through email.


The number of total visits from the source


The number of unique visits from the source


The rounded average number of interactions (opening a page, interacting with forms, submitting forms, refreshing pages) per visit


The average duration spent per visit. This does not include visits that bounced. 

Bounce Rate: 

The rate of bounces per visit


The number of form submits from this source. 

Visit Locations

This chart shows the geographical locations of all tracked visits

Visitor Devices

This chart shows the breakdown of device types, browsers and operating systems that access the website. 

Website Interactions

This chart shows the number of visits (Y-Axis) that spend time (X-Axis) on the website.