Adding a Guest From A Registration Site

An attendee may have the option to register a guest for an event. If an attendee chooses to add a guest, the attendee  AND the guest will count towards the total capacity of the event. Once registration is complete, guest information is linked to the original attendee who registered. You will have the option to add the guest as a new lead onsite during the check-in process if needed.

Adding guest on registration site

Attendee And Guest Information on App

The attendee registration information that is captured on the website is synced with the app guest list.  Since the attendee and their guest count as two (2) reserved spots, both individuals spots will be added to the Total Attendees Counter.

To find an attendee and their guest, simply Search for the attendee’s name to pull up their information.

  • Click on the attendee name to open up the attendee settings window. The attendee settings window will slide down to reveal the guest information.
  • If the attendee registered with a guest, the guest will be indicated within the Guests column as Total Expected.

    There are two (2) ways to check-in a guest:
  • Check-in guest through registered attendee
  • Add guest as a new lead

Check-In Guest Through A Registered Attendee

To check a guest in through the registered attendee, click the Plus (+) icon within the Total Attended button.

Once the guest is checked-in, the Total Attendee Counter will update to indicate a person has attended.

You can now check-in your original attendee by clicking theAttended Checkbox next to the attendee's name. Since both the attendee and the guest are now checked-in, the Total Attendee Counter will update to indicate two (2) people have checked-in and attended the event.

If a guest does not show up to the event with their attendee, DO NOT take any action within the Total Attended Button in the Guests column. Simply check-in your attendee as normal by clicking the Attended Checkbox next to the attendee name. The Total Attendee Counter will update to indicate one (1) person has checked-in and attended the event.

Check-In Guest As A New Lead

You may choose to capture the guest as a new lead. This option is recommended in order to collect further information on the guest attendee and convert them into a new lead.

  1. The first step is to delete the guest from the original attendee. This ensures that the total count of attendees is accurate.
    1. Click the Minus (-) icon within the Total Expected button.
    2. You may now check the original attendee into the event by clicking on the Attended Checkbox next to the attendee name.

  2. Click on the Add Guest icon to add the guest as a new attendee.

  3. Enter the new attendee information by filling out the attendee form OR, if you have it activated, by clicking the license scanning button which will populate the fields. Once complete, click the Save button.

  4. Once the attendee form is saved, the new attendee will be added to the guest list

  5. Click the new attendee name to open up the Attendee Settings window.

  6. Check-in the new attendee by clicking on the Attended Checkbox next to the attendee name. The Total Attendee Counter will update to indicate a person has checked-in and attended the event.

Sync Your App

Frequently sync your app to ensure all new information is pushed to the database.