The License Scanning feature allows users to scan the barcode on the back of a license card to auto-populate fields from the engagement with information from the license. This feature is available on both the check-in and data collection apps.

Enabling Camera Settings For Limelight App

Follow the steps below to allow the Limelight App access to your iPad’s camera.

  1. Start by going to your iPad settings to give camera access to the Limelight App.
  2. Once in Settings, scroll down the left side menu until you find the Limelight App. On the right side, enable the toggle button to allow Limelight access to the iPad’s camera.
iPad - Settings
Camera - Settings

Turning On License Scanning For An App

To set up License Scanning on your app, follow the steps below:

  1. Log into the Limelight Platform and go into the project you would like to add the License Scanning feature to.
  2. From the Canvas, click on the Settings Icon to enter the global settings of the app.

  3. Within the App Global Settings, enter into the  Global tab and click the Enable Driver’s License Scanning checkbox.

  4. Save and Publish your app for your new settings to take effect.
  5. If there are fields within the app form that the license scanning feature can capture, the license scanning button will appear on the top-right corner of the data collection page. Scroll further down for instructions on how to properly add fields that can pull information from license scanning.

Adding License Scanning Form Fields To Your App

To link up a form field with a piece of information captured from the license, follow the naming structure of your form field exactly as specified below:

First Name
Text Field
Middle Name
Text Field
Last Name
Text Field
Gender (M/F)
Toggle / Dropdown Menu / Text Field
Date of Birth
Date Field
Text Field
Address Line 2
Text Field
ZIP Code / Postal Code
Text Field with Postal or ZIP Code Validation
Text Field
Jurisdiction (State / Province)
Dropdown Field
Text Field
License Expiration Date
Date Field
License Vehicle Class
Text Field
License Number
Text Field

Capturing Jurisdiction (State / Province) Values Correctly

Jurisdiction, or capturing State or Provincial information, is captured using a dropdown form field. The value captured by a license must match up with the value from the dropdown’s available values, otherwise the captured value will be discarded and the user will have to select an option from the dropdown field manually.

It is standard for a license to store a jurisdiction as its two letter abbreviation.


  • ON = Ontario
  • BC = British Columbia
  • CA = California
  • VA = Virginia

If you create a dropdown field for jurisdiction, the user should configure the dropdown field value with the state or province abbreviation in all capital letters.

How To Use The License Scanning Feature On Your App

Follow the instructions below to use the License Scanning feature on your app form.

Scanning Your License
  1. Log into your app and go to the form with your license fields. This is usually captured within an Attendee form or Data Capture form.
  2. On the right side of the toolbar, click the Blue Barcode button to activate the camera mode.
  3. Place your card in the middle of the screen so the barcode is prominent. The iPad will focus on the barcode and take the picture automatically.

  4. Once the picture is taken, the form fields with the proper naming conventions will automatically populate.