Before Your Event

  • Check your internet speed using ( The speed should be 20+ mbps if you are connected to more than 4 iPads.

If Registrants Are Not Showing Up in the Check-in App

  • Make sure all your filters on the Check-in app are clear. You can view your filters by clicking the filter icon at the bottom left of your screen.

  • Check you wifi connection from the iPad’s settings display.
  • Refresh your App from the Check-in App home screen by clicking the button on the top right.

  • Sync your iPad from the event selection screen (this is the screen that’s displayed after you log-in) by clicking the button on the top right.
  • Registrants are shown at the beginning of the Session Start Time. If you're not sure where to find this, reach out to

After the Event

  • Sync your iPad from the event selection screen.
  • Don’t log out of the Limelight Platform App after the event unless you’re sure that all attendee data has synced to the Limelight database