Waivers are used on the application to attain a signature for a legal document by utilizing a signature form field. This is only available on the app, not on web. Within a signature form field, there is the ability to input text. 

In addition, there is the ability to add dynamic fields. This means that most form fields can be used within the text to pull in the specific records (person) information for said form field. For example, pulling in the persons first name, car driven, session name, etc. 

How to Create a Waiver with Dynamic Fields

A waiver (signature) form field can be generated by clicking "Add Form Field" on a check-in app or data form. As seen below, it is the signature field type:

Once the form field name is created, the content editor for the signature field will appear. Under Content, text can be inputted along with dynamic fields. In the example below, firstName and lastName are form fields while sessionid is a session field. 

Note: All dynamic fields must be preceeded with a "$" when being pulled into a waiver as a dynamic field. 

Form Fields

Currently, the below types of form fields can be used:

  • Text
  • Text Area
  • Dropdown
  • Radio Buttons
  • Date Picker
  • Toggle
  • Slider

In order to get the form field to generate in the waiver after it is signed, a $ symbol in front of the exact form field name. For example, if there is a form field called firstName, then in the waiver, it would read as $firstName. The form field name can either be found in the project canvas or database.


Currently, the below session data can be used, along with the proper $ format to use:

  • session ID (name) = $sessionId
  • number of registered registrants = $sessionContent_attendees
  • capacity = $sessionContent_capacity
  • if session supports waitlist = $sessionContent_isWaitinglist
  • number of waitlisted registrants =  $sessionContent_waitlist
  • if session is auto waitlist processing = $sessionContent_isAutoProcessing
  • active or inactive status = $sessionContent_status
  • session start date/time (EDT) = $sessionContent_start
  • session end data/time (EDT) = $sessionContent_end
  • registration opens = $sessionContent_registrationOpen
  • registration closes = $sessionContent_registrationClose

This data exist in the session builder, see below: