
Filtering for sessions allows you to send specific information to registered attendees. Filtering for sessions can be used for the following email types:

  • Confirmation (Triggered)
  • Reminder (Scheduled)
  • Thank You (Triggered or Scheduled)

Follow the steps below to filter your emails to send to communications to attendees who have registered to a session.

How to Filter for Sessions

  1. Enter into your Email Builder.
  2. Click on the Settings tab in the top right corner of the display panel. Then click on the Filter Recipients tab from the side bar. This will open the filters module.

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  3. The Filter Recipients module allows you set rules that send the email to only those who meet specific criteria. Click the + Add Rule button to set up your filter(s).

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  4. For this example, the attendee must meet the following criteria:
    • Attendee is assigned to a Session
    • Attendee status is “Registered”

    Click on the field dropdown menu under Rule 1. This dropdown menu lists all form fields used within the registration page.

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  5. Use the search bar to find the SessionID field.
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  6. Select Equals from the Operator dropdown menu. Then click on the Value dropdown menu and check box next to the desired session(s) you want to deploy to.

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  7. The first rule has now been set up. Now set up the second rule pertaining to the Registration Status to complete the filters.
  8. Click on the + Add New Rule button. A list of new dropdown menus to set the rule will appear.

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  9. Under Rule 2 search and select Registration Status from the field dropdown menu.

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  10. Select Equals from the Operator dropdown menu. Then click on the Value dropdown menu. You will notice 3 status types.

    Waitlisted: An attendee has registered for a waitlisted session and will be alerted if a spot becomes available
    Registered: An attendee has been registered to a session
    Cancelled: An attendee has cancelled their registration
  11. Select REGISTERED from the dropdown menu options

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  12. You now have all the rules needed to send your email to an attendee who is registered to a session.
  13. Click the SAVE button at the top left of the Builder to implement your settings. If this is a Scheduled Email, head to the Schedule tab to set your deployment date and Publish the email.

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