
This feature will let you access a registrant from the Database and send an email directly from there rather than cloning an email in the dashboard, for both scheduled and triggered emails. It is available for all users who have access to the Database. This is especially useful for sending emails such as confirmations or reminders to your guests who ask for emails to be resent.

Sending An Email To A Single Engagement

  1. Go to the project Database.
  2. Click on the attendee engagement that you'd like to send a single email to.
  3. Click the Email Icon on the top right of the attendee engagement panel.

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  4. Select the email you'd like to send from the dropdown menu.
    *Note: Only the published triggered emails from the form the engagement has been submitted on along with all published triggered emails will be displayed in the drop down. 

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  5. Click Send.  A "Success" message will be displayed once the email has been sent.

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  6. To view email status, go to the Canvas and look for the last sent email under the Scheduled Communication column.