
Add filters to your emails to target specific groups of people based on consumer or system information captured.

Adding Filters

  1. Enter into the email you want to add filters.
  2. Go to the Settings tab in the top right of the display panel.

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  3. Go to Filter Recipients section within the left side editor panel.  This allows you to filter the type of person who will receive this triggered email.

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  4. Click the + Add New Rule button.

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  5. Select the field and function you want (equals, etc.) and fill in the value.

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  6. Ex: Attended IS NOT BLANK - Attended is a system field that records a date and timestamp if someone has checked-in to an event. By setting this rule, it is filtering for those who have a timestamp listed in the engagement's "attended" field.  Once you have added all your filters, click the SAVE and PUBLISH buttons to implement your settings.

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