There are several reasons as to why you may not have received your triggered email.

  • The wrong email address was provided
  • The triggered email went to your spam or junk folder
  • There is no internet connection to receive the email

Ensure you have a strong internet connection and the email hasn’t been sent to your spam or junk folder. If the email still hasn’t been received, a new email may be sent to the attendee. Below are instructions on how to resend an email.

How To Resend An Email:
  • Clone an existing email or create a new email within the Communications section of the Canvas. This will be the new email to be sent to the attendee.
  • Click on the Settings tab in the top right corner of the WYSIWYG editor.
  • Click on the Recipients tab.
  • Click the checkbox of the form the email was supposed to come from, this could be a registration form, check-in attendee form… etc.
  • Exit out of the Recipients tab and click on the Filter Recipients tab.
  • Select the following options from the drop down menu in order to set up the filter: “Send if One or moreMatches:”
  • Click on the blue Add New Rule button. A new rule field will appear.
  • Select the Form: Email option from the first dropdown menu.
  • Select Equals from the second drop down menu.
  • Insert the recipient’s email address into the text field.
  • You may add as many rules as needed if sending the same email to multiple recipients.
  • Save and Publish your email.