Follow the simple step-by-step below to upload your data:

1. Navigate to your project on the Limelight Dashboard

2. Click on the dropdown menu next to your username and click "Project Database"

3. Select the Import Data button on the top right corner of the database page.

4.  A pop-up window will appear prompting you to select which form you want the data to be uploaded to.

5.   From here you may select the following settings:

  • Single or Multiple Sessions
  • Session in which database will be imported to
  • Form where entries from the database will be applied to
    • *You may also download a sample csv when you click "Download Sample"

When you're ready to upload, just click "Browse" and locate the file from your browser then click "Upload"

6.  Error Message:  If your CSV file fails to upload to the database, an error message will appear with a description of the incorrect form fields.  Follow the instructions in the error message and reformat those specific fields in your CSV document. Once corrected, re-select your CSV file in the pop-up window on Platform and click  Upload.

Saving your CSV

If you're using a Mac, here are the steps to follow:

  1. Select File > Save As.
  2. From the "File Type" dropdown, select "Windows Comma Separated (.CSV)".
  3. Save as you normally would.

*Note that our platform only accepts the following date format: YYYY-MM-DD
If there's a time then it would be YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss