In Events and Time Relationship article we have defined that all events and sessions are linked to time and explored their relationship. In this article, we will discuss other attributes of events and sessions.

Geographical Location - most events will happen at certain geographic locations, which are managed by its timezones.

Four sessions in a National Event all start at 2:00 PM, local time.
In the platform, start time will be set to 2:00 PM for all events; the city of each Session will determine in which timezone the 2:00 PM actually is (timezone adjustments on the map are based on 2:00 PM AKST)

Session Name City Time Timezone
Session 1 Minneapolis 2:00 PM Central
Session 2 Salt Lake City 2:00 PM Mountain
Session 3 Los Angeles 2:00 PM Pacific
Session 4 Atlanta 2:00 PM Eastern

UPCOMING CHANGES: When a user creates a new event or session the location will be always asked. Using the location information, the platform detects and sets default timezone for that event or session. It will be therefore assumed that any time associated with session or event is always in the local timezone.