New features:

1. Media Carousel (images only)

It is now possible to configure a media carousel for app features. For 2.15, the media carousel is a new layout type which supports images, auto-scroll delay and popular aspect ratios. Video support will be added in 2.16.

2. Video form fields

It is now possible to deploy video within an app feature. The video field is a new layout type that supports .mp4 video and display options such as play in line or in light box.

3. End Journey and Thank You Screen

For multi feature journeys, it is now possible to configure an app feature as a thank you screen. With this feature, data collected in a journey will be submitted before transitioning to the thank you screen.

4. Text alignment options for paragraph layout type

For paragraph layout types, it is now possible to define text alignment options (left, center, right, justify).

5. Option to maintain placeholder when field is conditionally hidden

It is now possible to maintain or discard the placeholder dynamically for fields that are conditionally hidden.

6. Form transition styles

It is now possible to apply styles such as appear, fade and push to form transitions in multi feature journeys.

7. Show/Hide nav-bar

The nav-bar can now be hidden for individual app features.

8. Auto-Sync when connection restored

The app will now automatically sync when connection to internet is restored.

9. Centered nav-bar image Images on the nav-bar are automatically centered.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Various performance management, layout and barcode scanning fixes

Known Issues:

  1. Users have reported that within the check-in app, if the search function is used, followed by editing an attendee record, on returning to the check-in screen, the search field is cleared but the search results still persist. The cause of this issue has been isolated and will be fixed in an upcoming release. For 2.15, for search results to be cleared (return to the original list of attendees), the search field will need to be force cleared by clicking in the search field and clicking “Cancel”.
  2. Users have reported that the default time-out period set on the portal does not update on sync. The cause of this issue has been isolated and will be fixed in an upcoming release. For 2.15, to update the default time-out period, the user must re-login. Alternatively, time-out period can also be set in the local settings of the project on the iPad.