Limelight has the ability to create multi-language websites (along with all other digital assets). The Platform has the following languages enabled:
  1. English
  2. French
  3. Spanish
  4. Portuguese
  5. Italian
  6. German
  7. Dutch
  8. Norwegian
  9. Swedish
  10. Finnish
  11. Russian
You will require translations for all content and form fields in order to build your multi language site. 

Building Your Multi Language Website

We recommend building your website out in English (EN) first, then proceeding to build out the second language version. Follow these steps to add a new language to your website.
  1. From the Project Canvas, enter into the page you want to translate. 
  2. Click the + icon and select the language you would like to build in. For this example, we are using French as the alternative language of choice.

  3. You will be directed to select a template. Select the same template that was used to build the EN version of the site, then click on the Use This Template button on the pop-up. The system will refresh and you will be able to see the same template with the language toggle changed to your second language.

  4. Go through each of the website sections to enter your translations and content in the second language on the page. For the Form fields section, you will need to edit the labels, since the values will transfer from the EN form. You may also need to reformat the field layout to full, half, or quarter width. 

  5. Once you have added all the translations and copies in the template, click Save. The next step is to publish the sites.
  6. To publish the websites, each language needs to have its own URL and will need to be published individually. To do this, go to the Canvas and click on the blue cogwheel icon to access the website Global Settings. 

  7. Click on Add Domain and paste the English URL in the following format: in the field.  
  8. If your domain is set up with an SSL certificate, please ensure to select HTTPS:// from the dropdown menu. 
  9. Click Save and Publish. The site may take a few minutes to publish.
  10. Once the EN site is published, click on the language toggle and select the second language to be published from the dropdown menu.

  11. You will notice the language toggle now reflects your second language selection. In this example it is French. Follow the steps 7-9 above to publish your second language domain. Save and Publish the domain.

  12. Now that you have published your site, it is time to create the language navigation links on the web pages.  Within the web Global Settings, click on the Add Link button.

  13. A pop-up window will appear to add your navigation link settings. 
    1. Enter the URL of the page you want to link to into the URL field. 
      Ex. When you're on the English Settings, add the URL/link for the French page and vice versa.
      Abbreviations generally used for language links are "EN" for English and "FR" for French
    2. Enter the label/title you would like displayed in the navigation into the Link Label field. 
    3. Select the target window from the Target dropdown menu. 
    4. Click the Add to Navigation button to save the settings.

  14. Save and Publish the website.
  15. Use the language toggle to go to the second language Global Settings and repeat steps 12-14  to add links to the second language website's navigation.