
Emails created in the "Communications" section on Limelight can be scheduled to be sent at a specific date and time. In this article, we cover the steps you need to take to create a scheduled email. 

Prior to scheduling an email, make sure you've setup the correct filters. These can be set on the Settings tab, under the Filter Recipients section.

Here, you can pick fields from all your forms in the project (App or Web forms) to use as filters for your email. We have different filters to help you match your email to the right audience. To learn more about email filters, you can read our Email Filters article. Once you're happy with your filters, make sure to save your changes before continuing to the Schedule tab.

Scheduling Your Email For Deployment

  1. Click on the Schedule tab to set your deployment settings.

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  2. Select the Send Date and Time for your email to deploy. Please note, deployment times are based on Eastern timezone. You will need to account for this when setting your time. 
    Ex: If deploying for 10AM in San Francisco, set the deployment time for 1PM (13:00).

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  3. Click the SAVE and PUBLISH buttons to schedule the email for deployment.

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  4. The page will direct you back to project Canvas where you will see a blue timestamp placed over the email tile. This indicates that it is in the queue to deploy.

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  5. Once the email has deployed, the timestamp will turn green.